I get so many questions asking about the process of becoming a cabin crew. And so I wanted to share with you my journey from start to finish. I am sure by now, the process has changed. We stopped recruiting for a few months and the interview process will now be digital. Once I receive information on the new process, I will update future applicants on what to expect. What made you want to become a flight attendant? Actually, I never wanted to be a flight attendant. It wasn't until I visited Dubai back in January 2015 I flew on the Airbus A-380 for the first time and I was just blown away. At that moment I told myself I want to work on this airplane. The service was great and the crew were all beautiful. I always thought flight attendants were so cool. But it was the aircraft itself that made me apply for the job as soon as I landed back in the United States. How long did the application process take? So, I applied to the Job in January. Received an email on March 26, 2015 inviting me to an assessment day. I had no clue what that was at the time. All I knew was that I needed to attend one of their recruitment events in either Chicago, Houston or Atlanta. Of course I chose Atlanta because I was in the process of moving there in August to finish my degree. So May 29 was when I flew out to Atlanta to attend the event. This was so major to me. From knowing nothing about this airline, visiting the country and telling myself I want to work here to it actually happening. I hadn't gotten the job yet but in my mind I knew i had it. {Side note}You know how it is when you catch the travel bug right? This time around it was so intense. I couldn't shake it off. After I applied to the major airline, I also applied to Frontier and United airlines. Both denied me and I couldn't be more thankful for that because shortly after that I got hired to work for one of the largest airline. So thank you Frontier and United for saying not giving me a chance, better was waiting for me. What's the difference between Open day and Assessment Day? Open day is when everyone interested in the job come and drop of their CV. Depending on the country its held in, it can be hundreds of people that attend or just a few. Good thing is, if you do not pass this initial step you can attend another one. Whereas, Assessment day is when the company invites you to the actual interview process and its not so crowded. For me, only 51 people were invited. At that time, that was a lot to me but after hearing stories of almost one thousand people attending these assessments / open days 51 people was no big deal. keep in mind that If you were cut before the final interview you then have to wait six months before applying again. What was the dress code for Assessment day? Fly and Fabulous honey! I had no knowledge on this airline but with a little bit of research and obviously from seeing how the crew were dressed on my flight, I knew I needed to have my hair in a bun, some pearls and a matte red lipstick. The invitation email also stated I needed to wear a knee length skirt or dress and skin tone stockings. Of course business casual is always good but its better to come dressed as if you are one of the crew. Come dressed like you want the job. This was my lay for the event. Can you go more in detail on how the Assessment day was? I will discuss this in phrases since that's how it took place. Be prepared to be at the event all day. I was there from 9 am until 4 pm. The event was held inside a conference room at The Renaissance hotel downtown Atlanta. I thought it was going to be several recruiters but to my surprise there was only one. That made it more personal and also the opportunity for me make a good impression. The first two hours we discussed the job and what its like living in Dubai. Here's the kicker, I had no clue I had to live in Dubai and neither did this one individual who walked out after learning that. I thought I was going to be stationed in NYC somewhere, LOL. I told you had no clue about this company and what it entails. At the end of the introduction we were able to ask questions. Now, I am normally the one that just sits still and nod my head to everything with a smile here and there. Not this time. I wanted my voice to be heard. it showed my interest in the information that was discussed and I also stood out because not many people asked questions. At the end of the Q&A, we had to provide the recruiter with a photo and a CV (Curriculum Vitae) which is basically a document outlining all your experiences, your interest, education, employment ect. This was my picture i submitted (Thanks BritTea) What did you write in your CV? My CV was a combination of my role at my current job and my interest in the job I applied for. I spoke about my communication skills, how diverse I am, how I have the ability to work well with different cultures and what I can offer. With the help of one of the cabin crew I met prior, he advised that I should mention some of the company values which are Pioneering, Cosmopolitan, and Thorough just to name a few. I must say my CV was EPIC. I impressed myself with that one. I also submitted my resume which shows my job history along with my education background. A resume is not required because its technically listed in your CV depending on how you format it. After that we took a lunch for about a hour. If I was you I would NOT go far. I took my butt next door for some breakfast so that I wouldn't be too far from the hotel. I saw people come in late to the session. Being late is a huge NO NO!!! Do you think the airplane will wait for you if you're late? Think about it that way. I can tell the recruiter was very annoyed with the two people that came in late. Phase 2 Ok, so I am back from lunch and there's a list outside of who made it and who didn't. The list is divided by two. The first 26 people (oh wait this is where number 6 come in at) when we handed the recruiter our photograph and CV we had to write our name on this numbered paper and that was your number throughout the whole day. I was number 6. A Proud Number 6. Lol. Anyways, once we got back the fun began!! Activity One: We are in this room in groups of three and she handed us a card. Now let me tell you, these group activities aren't implemented just for the hell of it. It's to see how well you work with others. You do not want to talk too much or talk too little. You do not want to cut someone off while talking or think your ideas is better. Its team work!!! You are in this together. So in this activity, we were handed a card and we had to come up with three attributes for whatever it was on that card. It could have been a penny, a hat, a cord. Our group card was " Farmer." Now as we are discussing what attributes we can use to describe a farmer. The recruiter was walking around and taking notes. I was so nervous everytime she walked by me. I tried to act like I wasn't worried about her but I was. During the activity, you have to show interest and show your group you understand but also talk. Do not just agree with things just because You have to have a voice. After 5 minutes we had to present what it was that we came up with. Now here are some more tips. Talk to the group of people. Not the recruiter. What the recruiter is looking for is your delivery when speaking. Not everyone likes public speaking but in this profession you will need to love it! When your group stands up, please introduce yourself. Hi My name is Shakiesha and the one attribute WE (there's no I in team.) came up with was patience. As a farmer you need patience because during off season your crops will not grow and cash flow will decrease. BOOM! Just like that. You don't need to say anything more than just that. They do not want a life story (and of course we had that one person who gave one and he got cut after that round) When you are talking to the group please look at everyone. Hold the card up and show everyone. Speak LOUD & CLEAR. Yes it may seem like I'm telling you things you already know but when its time to actually do this its either fight or flight and some didn't fight. They were nervous, they spoke low, spoke too long, they sounded like they were only given 2 seconds to prepare when we were really given 5 minutes. So please read what I am saying because it will HELP you! Next, we were giving another card with another item on it. Luckily, we were giving a bucket and we had to come up with how the bucket related to the profession of a farmer. Now in this activity we as a group have to come up with one answer. However, only one of us had to present it to everyone. We didn't choose who was going to speak. The recruiter did. Again, refer back to my tips above while presenting information to the group. At the end we were all done and left the room for 10 minutes so we can see who made it through to the second round. Phase 3 After completing the first exercise, we were sent on a 45 minute break. When we got back from break there was a list outside of those who made it through the first round. I was nervous a bit but more confident than anything. When I walked up to the list to see that 12 people made it through and I was one of them I just was so thankful. NUMBER 6. RIGHT THERE. BOOM ALL IN YOUR FACE. All I could do is THANK GOD!! Because it was the most high who moved me to the next phase. I been praying and preparing for this day far too long to be turned down. Activity two: After another 45 minute break we're back in the room with the 12 people that made the cut and this is where we had to do the reach test and tell the recruiter if we have any tattoos or scars. If you have a tattoo that is visible, please be honest and make sure its not visible. One girl made it to round two and she was honest about her tattoos. One was on her foot and the other was on her neck. I think it was a little heart or something. BUT she end up leaving because her tattoos were visible. So no tattoos on your foot, neck, chest, arms , wrist ect. I'm not saying that you can't have a tattoo but it can't be visible. As far as the reach test, I'm only 5'0 and was worried that I wouldn't pass the reach test. NOPE, I was wrong, I passed it standing on my tippy toes with all my might. There was no way I made it to round two and was going to fail some reach test. I was also honest about my tattoo I have which is the one on the middle of my back and the other under my collar bone. After that, we got back to our seats which is literally only 12 chairs positioned in the shape of an U. The recruiter hands us each a card and then say "someone volunteer to read." I don't know if the other individuals heard her or if they were scared but there was no time to be scared. I did not hesitate to start reading. So on this card, there's a question and 6 different scenarios about that question. Our question was about being a manager at a water park and what would you do in these situations. So as a group we had to go over all 6 questions and come up with an answer. Again, she is watching how we are interacting with one another. This is more intense because as group of 12 (not 3) we have to come up with ideas, talk to one another ect. You can't over talk anyone or down play someones else ideas. When the time was up she called on one of us to speak for the group on each answer. Her question was "as a group what resolution did you come up with for..." Let me remind you, there's 12 people and 6 questions. only 6 people are going to be called. So thats why its important to participate and let your voice be heard, be understanding of others while also coming up with your own ideas. Of course she called on me and I so thankful and was ready! However , put a little twist on it. I thought i'd be able to answer the question and keep it moving. I was wrong. The recruiter had a come back for everything. Basically she would say " well what if this don't happen, what if this don't work, what if, and then she started to act like the customer in the situation. So now she's role playing and I had to be on point. As a group the answer is fine, but now as an individual in that situation I have to know what to do. Always smile and be polite to the customer. We only came up with the good answers but we didn't think worst case scenarios. So when you make it this far, please think of the situation from every aspects. At the end we went on another break for about 10 min, she had to post the list of people who made it through. Phase 4 So after a short break of gathering around in the lobby having conversations getting to know the other candidates, the recruiter came out with another list. Yes, another one. and what do I see? My number 6 yeaaaaaa babbbbbyy! at this point I think I cried and was just thanking God. I couldn't believe I was moving forward. At this point, I already feel like I had the job. Out of the 12, two people got cut . This last section was for those that did not graduate high school in the United States and or if their first language is not english. Sorry Foreigners, I have no clue what the english test is about so I cannot speak on it. But there is a cut if you do not pass. So we sat down and we are handed some documents. It's a sheet of paper that explained exactly what we need to do next. We also had to sign off on some declaration papers saying we do not have tattoos and check off a few questions asking if we can you swim or float? There were more questions but I forget what they were. In addition, more documents had to be submitted so she gave us an email and a code we needed to use when submitting documents to complete our application. Lastly, we had to choose the day and time we wanted our one on one interview to be. Whats next after you make it this far? 1. I had to complete a Psychometric Test that night before midnight in order to do my final interview. Its one of those test that ask the same questions in different ways. So just be careful and pay attention (also, this cannot be completed on a MAC or iPhone, iPad etc) I had to head back to the hotel and complete it on their computer 2. Fill our pre join administration form. This is pretty much a paper application. (you need this to complete your interview for the next day) Side Note: These are documents I had to send via email within the next 7 days. I am listing them here because you can also bring these items to the recruitment day and hand them over. Had I known exactly what we needed I would have been prepared. But Relax, this part doesn't make you look bad if you are not prepared because in the original email it only states that you need to bring a photograph and CV which many of us did. 3. Colored passport photo (2) or a government ID if you do not own a passport. 4. A. formal full length photo in business attire (x1) size 4x6 B.Passport size photo in business attire (x8) C.Casual photo meaning you're hanging out. However, keep it professional. (x2) size 4x 6 5.Photo copy of Educational Certificates (College diplomas ect..) 6. Complete a survey Please remember these documents are due within 7 days of the final interview. On the paper provided, it give examples of exactly what they are looking for. Here are my examples. Final Interview...The Next Day. So, MY big day is here. I scheduled my interview for 8 AM because I had a flight leaving that afternoon. Now let me tell you this, when picking and choosing interview times we had some complications because one person wanted this time the other person wanted that same time and so forth. People had flights and only 6 interviews were being booked for the day So we had to settle it between the group and figure out who was going to take what time. The interview lasted for about an half hour. When I walked towards her I of course greeted her with a smile and handshake. We sat down she asked how Im doing ect. I told her I slept well and I feel good. Just be positive and smile. So now we're beginning and I am extremely sorry for not remembering any of the questions but I will tell you this, they are situational questions. please use the STAR method. if you do not know what it is please see below. Situation- tell her what happened. be detailed Task - What needed to be done in the situation. Action- What did YOU do in this situation Result- What was the outcome of tis situation. Be careful what you say because the recruiter will piggy back off what you say and ask more questions in regards to your answer. For one of my answers I basically told her I had an employee who didn't trust my word. The recruiter came back and asked if I ever told the employee how I felt. I said no. I think that was a trick question. I think she wanted to know if I was a confrontational person. Oh wait a few questions came to mind. One was Name a time you went above and beyond for a customer. Another was talk about a time you and an employee didn't agree to something. Another one I remember is Tell her about your biggest life mistake. What made you apply (because I visited Dubai I thought this gave me extra points lol) and the last one I remember was ..ahhh forget it, I forget. The interview was over and I now had to submit the pending documents to complete my file. What's Happening Now? Well within two day's I submitted all my documents. The process can take 4-6 weeks. I just got a call On 6/17 I was excitedddddd. I just knew this was my GC aka Golden Call. But it wasn't. They needed me to send more photos of myself in a tank top and one in a white blouse to see how it would look in uniform. Yup thats what she said. So again, be honest with your tattoos because it can really hurt you in the process. Below are the pictures I sent to them regarding my tattoo. So the first pic is similar to the demo pic we saw during recruitment day. When they called me, they wanted me to send photos of me in an undergarment that I would normally wear under a blouse. So I sent them picture number two top right. OF course my tattoo is showing and at this point I am leaving it to God because they clearly were reviewing my file and is interested in me. They know about my tattoos, they just need more information on it. They also requested A photo of me in a white blouse to make sure that the tattoo cannot be seen through a white shirt. So I sent them three photos wearing three different type tops to show them that my tattoo cannot be seen. At this point...
I am just waiting to hear back from Emirates. My application on line says "application under review" I have faith and I already claimed this job. I am praying all goes well. I am in a group chat with two young ladies that also made it through the final. One of them told me today that her status on her online file changed to " Joining Formalities in Process" The next step after that is your Golden Call. The call We are all waiting for. So until next time, I hope you all enjoyed this lengthy post about Recruitment day. I tired to be as detailed as possible because I know how it was for me when I was searching for information. Please Please Please, if you have questions please ask. I will help you!!! UPDATE: So after sending the additional photos, I received an email subject line reads : NEW FORMAL LENGTH PHOTO and the email stated they are still waiting on my documents. However, they were already sent and I was confused as to why the email asked for a formal length when the recruiter asked for something different. No biggie! I sent all photos requested and as of June 21 my status went from Application Under Review to Interview Complete!! I also joined some groups on Facebook and they are veryyyy helpful. Below is the new formal length photo I sent to them as requested.(I look crazy-haha) Thanks to my nephew who photoshopped me into a white background lol
7/1/2015 07:57:11 pm
Hi there, thanks for sharing. I admire your faith in God!! I submitted my application 'bout a week ago and unfortunately I haven't heard from them yet although they had an recruitment event recently in my country. My status still is "application received". But I haven't lost faith, I'll continue praying that I'll get an invite one day, hopefully soon enough
7/8/2015 10:59:15 pm
Hey Barbra do not lose hope! I applied in January and got the invitation in March. Sometimes you might have to travel to another city to go to the recruitment event and that's okay!! It will take time for them to invite you! It took them two months! Once you are invited make sure you revisit this post bc it will help you throughout the process. God bless you
7/9/2015 03:45:41 am
Thanks Kiesha!! Will do, may God bless you too :-) Have fun and please do keep us posted.
7/15/2015 03:42:44 pm
I am also still waiting. I had my final interview on 16 June. My file online says interview completed. Still haven't heard anything. Others in my group has thou. I pray everyday. Hoping one day I wil get the GC. Hope we all make it thou. Stay bless and note prayers do work so keep praying and let us not lose hope
7/21/2015 10:16:20 am
Hey Barb! what's new? Did you hear back yet? Continue to keep a positive mind and continue to pray that you receive JFIP!!! I am rooting for you girl, if this is in God's Will then it will happen. Just be faithful and claim it. see you in Dubai :-)
7/21/2015 05:06:02 pm
No. Just got an unsuccessful mail. So sad. But try again in 6 months.
7/23/2015 07:34:56 pm
Hi thanks for sharing your experiences , just wanted to ask how was the medical exam ? Where you naked ? Did you have to do a pap smear ?
7/27/2015 04:13:16 am
Hi I'm Joey I did not have to get naked nor do a Pap smear.
7/27/2015 02:43:42 am
Your blog has helped calm my nerves so much!! I have an AD in Denver in 4 days!!!! I was wondering what you wore to the interview and what you did with your nails:)! I'm so excited/nervous!!!
7/27/2015 04:20:18 am
Hey Bree! I am happy to hear that my blog was helpful. Just be call cool collective! I had light purple nails. I also posted a picture (which is above) of the outfit I wore. When I got selected for the final interview I wore a blue dress that same white blazer ..shoes ect. Good luck girl you got this!!!! Keep me posted
8/26/2015 05:18:22 pm
HI, Thank you for the detailed post. i stay in Dubai itself and applied online a week back and online application status says Application Under review. I hope I will be called for OD / AD . By the way any news from your side. eager to know what happened next. thanks. Wish you luck!
9/3/2015 04:22:23 am
KEEP A POSITIVE MIND ALWAYS!!! When you do get the invite make sure you refer back to this post for some tips and suggestions. I start on September 10 which is just 7 days away.
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